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Expressively and easily automate your text documents with TExpressive!
Expressively and easily automate your text documents with TExpressive!

ForEach function

Writes out the content in "Do" for each subparameter of the parameter specified by "In", putting the current subparameter's characteristics in the parameters specified by "Value", "IndexName" and "IndexNumber".


  • Sorting by name and value is not case sensitive.


Value (optional)
The parameter name to use to store the current subparameter's value in.
IndexName (optional)
The parameter name to use to store the current subparameter's index name in (relative to the main parameter).
IndexNumber (optional)
The parameter name to use to store the current subparameter's index number in (relative to the main parameter).
LoopNumber (optional)
The name of the parameter that receives the looping number counter.
The parameter whose subparameter(s) to loop over.
The content to repeat for the current subparameter.  May of course also contain literal text or a parameter reference, but that will mostly be less useful.
OrderBy (optional)
The order in which to loop over the subparameters.  The default order is ascending by number.  Supported options:
  • "NameAsc" (by name, ascending order)
  • "NumberAsc" (by number, ascending order)
  • "ValueAsc" (by value, ascending order)
  • "NameDesc" (by name, descending order)
  • "NumberDesc" (by number, descending order)
  • "ValueDesc" (by value, descending order)