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Expressively and easily automate your text documents with TExpressive!
Expressively and easily automate your text documents with TExpressive!

If function

Conditionally chooses which content to process.


  • The "If" function can either check if a parameter is set or not, or compare a value in a given way to another value.
  • If you specify one of the "Is..." arguments you also have to specify the "What" argument.


Not (optional flag)
Negate the test.
ParamSet (optional)
Test if the specified parameter is set.
ParamNotSet (optional)
Test if the specified parameter is not set.
What (optional)
The value to compare.
Is (optional)
The value to compare to.  Tests if "What" is equal to "Is".
IsNot (optional)
The value to compare to.  Tests if "What" is not equal to "IsNot".
IsLowerThan (optional)
The value to compare to.  Tests if "What" is lower than "IsLowerThan".
IsLowerThanEq (optional)
The value to compare to.  Tests if "What" is lower than or equal to "IsLowerThanEq".
IsGreaterThan (optional)
The value to compare to.  Tests if "What" is greater than to "IsGreaterThan".
IsGreaterThanEq (optional)
The value to compare to.  Tests if "What" is greater than or equal to "IsGreaterThanEq".
CaseSensitive (optional flag)
Whether TExpressive should treat upper and lower case letters differently (TExpressive treats them equally by default).
Then (optional)
The content to use if the condition holds.  May of course also contain literal text or a parameter reference.
Else (optional)
The content to use if the condition doesn't hold.  May of course also contain literal text or a parameter reference.